Welcome to Love Mondays, a weekly newsletter designed as a 3-minute hit to fire up the other 10,077 minutes of your week.
Collective action requires us to take our ‘why’, and connect it to the ‘why’ of others. Leaders who build bridges rather than walls are the leaders of the future. But to bring people along on the journey, we need to acknowledge the different perspectives of the issue, and ensure we have the facts to make our ‘why’ watertight. Facts enable truths, truths enable trust, and trust enables change.
What is your personal mission that you want to turn into collective action?
Write it down.
Consider:Â the likely questions or oppositions to your mission
Practice:Â articulating the facts that connect your why to the why of others
Decide to:Â have a conversation with someone likely to oppose your mission, and with openness and curiosity, try to identify with their position, offer the facts in ways that might resonate, and take onboard their response as valuable data for the construction of your bridge.
When one becomes many, anything is possible.
A collective why is at its most powerful when it’s owned, not imposed. The language used to articulate it cannot be foreign, it must be every day and tailored to the contextual culture. A team of researchers1 in the Netherlands have developed a Linguistic Cues Framework for narrative identification. They hypothesise that our identification with a narrative is a multidimensional experience for which different dimensions are evoked by different linguistic cues.
We tend to write the narrative we like to hear, in the way we ourselves like to hear it, but it’s not always the one that invites our audience along on a journey. Data will help us prepare. Empathy will help us contextualise. Above all, we must begin to shape a multidimensional story about purpose.
Thank you to everyone who’s joined our now 15,000+ strong community of Easy Tiger and Love Mondays readers. We appreciate your readership. If you’d like to help us spread the word, why not share Love Mondays with a friend?
Hey one more thing before you head into the week, I have an epic leadership challenge kicking off in February 2022. Join a community of like-minded changemakers taking on daily 15 minute challenges to hone our leadership skills. The world needs more epic leadership. Are you up for the challenge?
Love your Mondays